¿Cómo normalizar las violencias en Colombia afecta la percepción sonora de los jóvenes?
En el universo de la experiencia humana, la música y el sonido ocupan un lugar fundamental en su evolución perceptiva, teniendo el poder de evocar emociones y desencadenar recuerdos.
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“Estar y no estar ahí realmente”: espacios inmersivos para la investigación y creación
En la era de la digitalización y la convergencia tecnológica, los espacios inmersivos de creación han emergido como una herramienta poderosa para la colaboración y la innovación.
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¡Que no te pase! Llega la serie web que promueve la ciberseguridad en Colombia
Cada día las personas se ven expuestas a ser víctimas de ciberataques, el problema es que pocas le dan la importancia que se merece o en otras ocasiones no saben identificar los posibles fraudes en internet.
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Arte digital + IA: Tendencias para aprender, reflexionar y disfrutar
Llega la nueva temporada del podcast C-Transmedia, una experiencia para aprender de IA, arte digital y tendencias. Entra y disfruta ya.
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Fomentar innovaciones en la región, es el objetivo del nuevo director del C-Transmedia
El nuevo director del Centro de Investigación C-Transmedia de la Universidad de Caldas, Mario Humberto Valencia García, llega con el objetivo de continuar impulsando la investigación + creación para el sector educativo, público y productivo
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Caldas potencia el desarrollo de la economía cultural y creativa
El programa "Emprendimientos Culturales y Creativos: el Futuro del Desarrollo Empresarial" se llevó a cabo de manera exitosa, fortaleciendo a más de 50 emprendedores en Caldas
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Las mil y una historias transmedia
Hace tres años todo comenzó con una historia que se transformó en un gran sueño y, poco a poco, en una realidad. Trabajamos día y noche sin parar con la ilusión de que C-Transmedia surgiera.
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Revolución 4.0: transformando la comunicación con herramientas digitales
En la era digital, la tecnología está transformando rápidamente la forma en que nos comunicamos y consumimos información, y las herramientas 4.0 han surgido como ...
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Conoce La Vida Nos Mueve una experiencia digital co-creada entre el C-Transmedia de la Universidad de Caldas y CHEC
Una verdadera experiencia digital es La Vida Nos Mueve, la nueva plataforma del territorio de marca CHEC sobre sostenibilidad, innovación, generación de energía, digitalización y trabajo con las comunidades.
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The importance of training companies in Digital Competencies
The digital revolution has generated a need in organizations, which is to train staff in digital skills, in order to optimize their performance and be competitive in the industry...
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Why is important the E-learning for companies?
-learning facilitates the "access to training and updating of company staff, making it more competitive and efficient"...
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One to One: Memoria Expandida
Daniel Ariza, artist and researcher: "The memory of the human being is fragile, that's why we have a civilization like the one we have, we forget very easily, and we have not had the habit of keeping the material"...
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How does cuban sound?
Clave is a secret code. Like those used by slaves during the colony to send messages with the rhythm of a drum...
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¿Investigar y crear con tecnologías 4.0?
Para el año 2000 no llegaría el fin del mundo como compañías, gobiernos y empresas de telecomunicaciones preveían
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The scientific committee of the C-Transmedia Research Center has been formed
Searching to strengthen the research programs of the C-Transmedia Research Center and to conform its organizational structure...
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Members of C-Transmedia strengthen research and research-creation in Arts and Humanities.
C-Transmedia welcomes new research groups, graduate programs and an outreach journal to renew ideas and face future challenges in the Arts and Humanities...
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How to science outreachin in Industry 4.0?
When communicating and outreachin science, it is important to take into account the way messages are delivered, the interests of the target audience...
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Building new realities through the arts
The International Image Festival is back with SURtropías. An emblematic event in the country and a Latin American reference, which brings with it the latest trends in design, art,...
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C-Transmedia in SURtropías: XXI of the International Image Festival
The International Image Festival is back with SURtropías. An emblematic event in the country and a Latin American reference, which brings with it the latest trends in design, art,...
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C-Transmedia researchers published an article in Taylor & Francis Group publishing house
The international publishing house Taylor & Francis Group approved the publication of the article prepared by C-Transmedia researchers...
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Transmedia strategies in science popularization to facilitate access to knowledge
In the framework of the 13th Manizales Book Fair, the conversation "Storytelling of creation and science: transmedia appropriation of STI" was held...
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Pride U of Caldas: Darío Arenas won Chevening Scholarship
Darío Arenas, graduate of the Sociology program, current leader of the Innovation and Knowledge Transfer area of the C-Transmedia of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Caldas…
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Upcoming Event: "Storytelling of creation and science: Transmedia Appropriation of STI".
On the occasion of the second anniversary of the C-Transmedia Research Center of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Caldas, the dialogue storytelling of creation and science...
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Closer to new knowledge.
The C-Transmedia research center of the University of Caldas launches the second season of its Podcast, this year in the version Closer to New Knowledge...
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KEPES Journal receives recognition for excellence in Science, Technology and Innovation
Kepes Magazine, led by Dr. in Design and Creation, Walter Jose Castañeda, received on Friday, July 15, the Honorary Distinction of Scientific Journals of Colombia, in the Angela Restrepo Awards...
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Application of Art + Science in social problems
Dr. Ricardo Dal Farra, successfully presented the research project "Art-Science. Transdiscipline and applied innovation", under the direction of Dr. Hector Fabio Torres...
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The Kepes Journal Caldas University receives the Q1 rating for fifth consecutive years.
Thanks to the research and rigorous publications made by the Kepes journal, it was rated for the fifth consecutive year by SCImago Journal Rank with the quartile 1 (Q1)...
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The SIC grants the trademark registration to the DICOVI research group ascribed to C-Transmedia
The DICOVI Research Group (Design and Cognition in Visual and Virtual Environments) of the Department of Design of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Caldas...
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Memes, the language that revolutionized the internet
When did humanity first hear the word meme? Many of us could say that it is one of those words that defines modernity; any political or artist's mistake becomes a meme...
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C-Transmedia participates in meeting to strengthen Research Centers and Institutes.
On April 5, 2022, the Vice Rector's Office for Research and Graduate Studies and the Vice Rector's Office for Outreach of the University of Caldas convened the "Workshop for socialization of...
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