InscrÃbete a la convocatoria: Emprendimientos culturales y creativos: el futuro del desarrollo empresarial.
En la era digital, la tecnologÃa está transformando rápidamente la forma en que nos comunicamos y consumimos información, y las herramientas 4.0 han surgido como …
Una verdadera experiencia digital es La Vida Nos Mueve, la nueva plataforma del territorio de marca CHEC sobre sostenibilidad, innovación, generación de energÃa, digitalización y trabajo con las comunidades.
The digital revolution has generated a need in organizations, which is to train staff in digital skills, in order to optimize their performance and be competitive in the industry…
-learning facilitates the “access to training and updating of company staff, making it more competitive and efficient”…
Daniel Ariza, artist and researcher: “The memory of the human being is fragile, that’s why we have a civilization like the one we have, we forget very easily, and we have not had the habit of keeping the material”…
Clave is a secret code. Like those used by slaves during the colony to send messages with the rhythm of a drum…
Para el año 2000 no llegarÃa el fin del mundo como compañÃas, gobiernos y empresas de telecomunicaciones preveÃan
Searching to strengthen the research programs of the C-Transmedia Research Center and to conform its organizational structure…
C-Transmedia welcomes new research groups, graduate programs and an outreach journal to renew ideas and face future challenges in the Arts and Humanities…