
Application of Art + Science in social problems

Application of Art + Science in Social Problems

Research product resulting from postdoctoral stay at C-Transmedia.



Dr. Ricardo Dal Farra, successfully presented the research project “Art-Science. Transdiscipline and applied innovation”, under the direction of Dr. Hector Fabio Torres, during his postdoctoral research stay at the C-Transmedia Research Center of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Caldas-Colombia.

The purpose of the research project was to investigate the applications of the transdisciplinary art + science in problems that affect society, highlighting projects for the creation of educational programs at secondary and university level; e-learning projects; documentation and preservation of the electroacoustic musical heritage, as well as contributions from the arts to solve the environmental crisis.

Ricardo Dal Farra holds a PhD in the Study and Practice of the Arts from the University of Quebec in Montreal, is a new media artist and founding director of the Balance-Unbalance series of international symposia (held in Argentina, Canada, Australia, the United States, Colombia, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands). As a result of his creative work, he has produced works and research in sound art, electroacoustic and visual music, presented in more than 40 countries, has been awarded international prizes and has also created the largest collection of Latin American electroacoustic music.

His postdoctoral stay was significant for C-Transmedia in the exchange of knowledge, as well as his academic and scientific contributions, the research product ( manuscript to be published) the advisories, consultancies and support in the creation of the Master in Transmedia innovation.

C-Transmedia Communications