
Participation in UAM’s Peace and Competitiveness program

Participation in UAM's Peace and Competitiveness program


The C-Transmedia Research Center of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Caldas, joined the Social Practice Peace and Competitiveness program of the Autonomous University of Manizales, supporting the training process of two students, one from the International Business program, Luisa Fernanda Quintero and another from the Industrial Design program, Luisa Fernanda Herrera, who joined the team to enhance from their knowledge and skills specific areas of the center. 

The purpose of the social practice is to contribute to sustainable regional development, peaceful coexistence and the formation of ethical and enterprising people, which is why the C-Transmedia Research Center joins the Autonomous University of Manizales and opens the opportunity from 2021 for students from various careers to participate in the transdisciplinary processes of the center, which are based on research – creation of digital content and from which lines that promote personal, social and professional growth are derived. 

As successful experiences, Luisa Quintero supported the internationalization process of the center and Luisa Herrera from the Design area had the opportunity to collaborate in filming, video editing for special effects and web platform design.

The internship is an approach to the world of work in companies or social, government or productive organizations, in which projection and management actions can be developed to enrich the vision. The interest of the universities is to continue with this alliance in order to promote, in addition to training, territorial research topics in 2022. 

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