
Winner ENIJM 2021 Call for Entries

Winner ENIJM 2021 Call for Entries


The podcast proposal Curiosity Mission by the C-Transmedia Research Center team of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Caldas, was selected among the 8 winning projects in the Call for the Development of Podcast Aimed at Children and Youth Audiences, of the National Meeting of Children, Youth and Media, ENIJM 2021, of the Ministry of Culture. 

On July 21, 2021, the Directorate of Audiovisuals, Film and Interactive Media of the Ministry of Culture and the jury, made up of Irma Ávila Pietrasanta, a Mexican television and radio producer specializing in work with children, and Paula Andrea León Barreto, a Colombian social communicator with an emphasis on radio production, scriptwriter and project developer, determined that Misión Curiosity met three key criteria: 

  1. Track record of the proposer and trajectory or scope of the proposal according to the resumes received. 
  2. Justification, description of the proposal, objective, beneficiary population, established goals, schedule of activities and budget.
  3. Relevance of the proposed content for the audience selected for the project.

According to the C-Transmedia Research Center team, the proposal was to encourage curiosity in the children of Caldas through art, design, education, research and technology.

The narrative focused on the children exploring each of these areas and through them fulfilling a mission, generating knowledge, fun and active participation. 

A creative learning model through dynamic digital content. 

The selected proposals, in addition to receiving recognition from the Ministry of Culture, receive master and personalized tutorials by experts in Latin America on sound production and digital content in order to: “Encourage the development of podcast series that propose different narratives and ways to address Colombian children and adolescents”. In addition, the winners have the opportunity to participate in the Bogotá Audiovisual Market – BAM 2022. 

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