The importance of training companies in Digital Competencies
The importance of training companies in Digital Competencies
The digital revolution has generated a need in organizations, which is to train staff in digital skills, in order to optimize their performance and be competitive in the industry. Because of this, these skills are in demand by all types of companies.
According to an article published by Harvard Business Review in 2016, shows the digital transformation of different industries, and are evaluated across 27 indicators that are gathered in 3 major categories. It is concluded that the category that marks a differentiator when measuring the digitization of organizations is to have a workforce trained in digital tools, as this increases productivity (Gandhi, Khanna, & Ramaswamy, 2016).
Accordingly digital competencies are critical in an organization for:
- Success in the digital age.
- Decrease digital illiteracy in organizations.
- Increased productivity
- Increasing the efficiency of workers
- Increased competitiveness in the market
- Facilitates adaptation to change
- Retention of human talent
- Greater capacity to overcome market challenges.
Today, success in the business world is measured by its adaptability to new technological needs, therefore using organizational training strategies to improve the digital skills of human talent, is quickly becoming an imperative for companies, knowing that “this transformation is accelerating the creation and development of new business models, built around a common goal: they must integrate in their strategy a clear business vision, talent, technology, new skills and customized processes, in order to respond to today’s society and citizens, users or customers of companies” (Morales, G. P., & Morales, G. P. 2020). Therefore, it is not only to teach these competencies, but also to promote the transfer of knowledge to the communities that are part of the organization, including in the learning process its users or audiences, through various strategies such as free courses, which motivate the transformation of society.
According to Harold Combita, CEO of Mangus E-learning, today’s business world, training and continuous learning are crucial to maintain competitiveness and long-term success. Companies that have adopted a culture of learnability have proven to be more resilient and able to adapt quickly to changing market conditions.
If you want to know how C-Transemdia train human talent in digital competencies and make free courses to democratize access to knowledge, visit our E-Learing service, our Youtube, and social networks. There you will find ideas, tools, and the great experience we have had with digital communities around the world.
By: Valentina Vargas
C-Transmedia Strategic Area
Gandhi, P. (2020, September 14). Which Industries Are the Most Digital (and why)? Harvard Business Review. https://hbr.org/2016/04/a-chart-that-shows-which-industries-are-the-most-digital-and-why?language=es
Meriño Aranda, R. (2020). COMPETENCIAS DIGITALES PARA LA TRANSFORMACIÓN DE LAS EMPRESAS, LAS CLAVES, GESTIÓN DEL TALENTO, VALORES Y CULTURA ORGANIZACIÓN QUE PROMUEVA LA EDUCACIÓN CONTINUA. Revista Daena (International Journal of Good Conscience), Vol. 15 Issue 1, p350-354. Review. http://www.spentamexico.org/v15-n1/A24.15(1)350-354.pdf
Yokoi, T. (2023, April 28). Infusing Digital Responsibility into Your Organization. Harvard Business Review. https://hbr.org/2023/04/infusing-digital-responsibility-into-your-organization?language=es
Combita, H. (2023). Aprendizaje Continuo y TecnologÃa: Claves para una Cultura de Formación Exitosa en las Empresas. Revista Empresarial &Amp; Laboral. https://revistaempresarial.com/educacion/aprendizaje-continuo-y-tecnologia-claves-para-una-cultura-de-formacion-exitosa-en-las-empresas/