Showing 21-25 of 25 results

Knowledge Economy: Spin-Off in Universities

29 November, 2021

This Friday, November 26, the Office of Transfer of Research Results OTRI N-Lace of the University of Caldas and the National University of Colombia, Manizales headquarters, held the seminar Spin-off: Inspire, Innovate, Connect, in which participated the Director of C-Transmedia Research Center, Hector Fabio Torres Cardona and five more representatives of spin-offs of Universities of Manizales and Caldas. 

Winner ENIJM 2021 Call for Entries

26 July, 2021

The podcast proposal Curiosity Mission by the C-Transmedia Research Center team of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Caldas, was selected among the 8 winning projects in the Call for the Development of Podcast Aimed at Children and Youth Audiences, of the National Meeting of Children, Youth and Media, ENIJM 2021, of the Ministry of Culture.